A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Chatbot to Shopify

Emily Levingston

Emily Levingston

· 10 min read
A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Chatbot to Shopify

What is a Chatbot?

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversation. They use artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and respond to text or voice inputs. These bots can handle various interactions, from answering simple questions to performing complex tasks like processing orders.


Chatbots have several key functionalities that make them useful for online stores:

  1. Automated Responses: Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions instantly.
  2. Personalization: They can provide personalized recommendations based on user behavior.
  3. Order Management: Chatbots can track orders, update customers' status, and handle returns.
  4. 24/7 Availability: They provide customer support any time of the day or night.

Ecommerce Application Examples


In ecommerce, chatbots are widely used to enhance the shopping experience:

  • Product Recommendations: A shopper in an online clothing store asks for a recommendation. The chatbot suggests several items based on the shopper’s previous purchases.
  • Order Tracking: A customer queries the status of their order. The chatbot provides real-time updates.
  • Customer Support: Chatbots answer common queries like “What’s your return policy?” or “How do I apply a discount code?”

How to Add a Chatbot to Your Shopify Store

Adding a chatbot through the Shopify admin panel is straightforward and efficient. Following these steps can enhance your store's functionality and provide better customer service.


4. Log in to Your Shopify Store Admin Panel

5. Once logged in, click "Apps" on the sidebar navigation menu.

6. Type "ChatBot" into the Apps search bar to find chatbot applications that are available for integration. Shopify's App Store offers a variety of chatbot options, so you can choose one that best fits your needs. VanChat is an advanced chatbot solution built only for Shopify stores. It uses artificial intelligence to provide personalized and efficient customer service.

7. After choosing your preferred chatbot app, locate the "Install" button on the app's detail page. Clicking this button initiates adding the chatbot to your Shopify store.


How to Build and Customize Your Chatbot on Shopify

  1. Set Up Your Chatbot and Train It
    Training involves feeding the bot with potential questions and corresponding answers. The more comprehensive the training data, the more effective the chatbot will be. Use real customer queries from your FAQ section or past customer service interactions to make the training robust.
  2. Create and Configure Your Chat Widget
    The chat widget is the interface through which customers will interact with your chatbot. You can decide where the widget appears on your website — typically, a corner of the screen. Adjust its size, visibility, and other basic settings to ensure it is accessible yet unobtrusive.
  3. Customize the Chat Widget to Match Your Store’s Branding
    Consistency in branding is crucial. Customize your chat widget to align with your store’s color scheme, fonts, and overall aesthetic. Most chatbot apps allow you to change the widget’s color, font, and even add your logo. This not only makes the widget look professional but also ensures it blends seamlessly with your store’s design, enhancing the overall user experience.
  4. Set Up Greetings and Automated Responses for Common Queries
    First impressions matter. Set up a friendly and welcoming greeting that initiates when customers open the chat widget. A simple "Hi! How can I assist you today?" can make a big difference. Next, configure automated responses for common queries. Use the chatbot app's template responses for questions like "What are your shipping options?" or "How can I return an item?" This reduces the workload on human agents and provides quick answers to customers, improving their experience.

Taking these steps will ensure your chatbot is both functional and aligned with your brand, providing a smooth and engaging customer service experience on your Shopify store.

Why Add a Chatbot to Your Shopify Store?

The use of chatbots in ecommerce is expected to grow significantly. Reports suggest that by 2024, the global chatbot market will reach $9.4 billion. The rise in online shopping has accelerated the need for efficient customer service solutions, making chatbots an essential tool for ecommerce platforms.

Chatbots significantly improve customer service by reducing response time, increasing engagement, handling high volumes of customer inquiries and messages, and delivering consistent information, ensuring customers always receive accurate responses.

Improve Customer Experience


Chatbots enhance the customer experience in several ways:

  • Instant Responses: Customers receive immediate answers to their questions, reducing frustration and waiting times.
  • Personalized Interactions: By analyzing customer data, chatbots offer personalized product recommendations and promotions tailored to individual preferences.
  • Seamless Navigation: Chatbots guide customers through your Shopify store, helping them find products quickly and efficiently.
  • Interactive Engagement: Engaging conversations with chatbots keeps customers interested and involved in their shopping experience.

Increase Conversion Rates and Sales


Implementing a chatbot can significantly boost your store's conversion rates and sales:

  1. Reduced Cart Abandonment: Chatbots remind customers of items left in their cart and offer assistance, encouraging them to complete their purchase.
  2. Upselling and Cross-Selling: Chatbots increase the average order value by suggesting related products or upgrades.
  3. Improved Customer Retention: Personalized follow-ups and timely responses enhance customer satisfaction, leading to repeat purchases.
  4. Enhanced Trust: Reliable and consistent support builds customer trust, making them more likely to buy from your store again.

Improve Efficiency in Answering Common Customer Queries


Chatbots excel in handling common customer queries efficiently:

  • FAQs: Address frequently asked questions like shipping times, return policies, and payment options without human intervention.
  • Order Status and Tracking: Provide real-time updates on order tracking and delivery status.
  • Product Information: Offer detailed product descriptions, availability, and recommendations based on customer preferences.
  • Problem Resolution: Quickly resolve common issues, such as password resets or account inquiries, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Using chatbots in your Shopify store streamlines operations and significantly improves the customer journey from start to finish.

How VanChat Can Help Your Shopify Store

VanChat is an advanced chatbot solution that enhances customer interactions in Shopify stores. It uses artificial intelligence to provide personalized and efficient customer service.

Vanchat helps businesses save time and improve customer satisfaction by automating responses to common inquiries. Whether answering questions about product availability or assisting with order tracking, Vanchat provides instant support.

VanChat Key Features

Leveraging VanChat's powerful features can significantly enhance the customer experience on your Shopify store, making it a vital tool for modern ecommerce operations.

  • AI-Powered Responses: VanChat's AI-driven engine understands and responds to real-time customer queries. It can handle various questions, including product details, shipping information, and return policies.
  • Customizable Chat Widgets: You can customize the chat widget to match your store's branding. Adjust colors, fonts, and even the chatbot's avatar to create a cohesive look.
  • Multilingual Support: VanChat supports multiple languages, making it an ideal choice for stores with a global customer base.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Access detailed analytics to track chatbot performance customer interactions, and gather insights to improve service.

How VanChat Integrates Seamlessly with Shopify

  • Easy Installation: Adding Vanchat to your Shopify store is straightforward. Simply log in to your Shopify admin panel, navigate to the Apps section, and search for Vanchat. Click 'Add app' and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  • API Integration: VanChat integrates with Shopify's API to access product information, order details, and customer data, ensuring it provides accurate and up-to-date responses.
  • Customizable Settings: Within the Shopify admin panel, you can configure Vanchat’s settings to align with your store's needs. Adjust the chatbot's behavior, set up automated responses, and customize the chat widget’s appearance.
  • Real-Time Sync: Vanchat keeps your store's data in sync, ensuring that any changes in product inventory or order status are reflected in real-time during customer interactions.

Leverage Chatbots to Improve Your Business

Early adoption of chatbot technology can give businesses a competitive edge. Integrating VanChat into your online store helps you provide round-the-clock customer service, improve overall efficiency, and gather insights to improve your operations as well.

Emily Levingston

About Emily Levingston

Principal Editor of VanChat