Best Practices For Enhancing Security On Your Shopify Store

Emily Levingston

Emily Levingston

· 7 min read
Tips to boost Shopify store security effectively.

Running an online store on Shopify offers numerous benefits, from ease of use to powerful integrations. But like any eCommerce platform, security is a top priority. As cyber threats continue to evolve, store owners must implement the best practices to protect their data and customers from hackers. Is Shopify safe from hackers? Yes, Shopify is a secure platform, but taking additional measures to strengthen your store’s defenses is always a good idea.

This article will guide you through essential security practices that every Shopify store owner should adopt, ensuring a safe shopping experience for your customers. Learn more about Shopify’s built-in security features and how to enhance them by exploring Shopify’s security resources.

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of protection to your Shopify store by requiring users to provide two forms of identification when logging in. This drastically reduces the chances of unauthorized access to your admin panel. You can set up 2FA directly through Shopify, ensuring that both your credentials and a secondary verification (e.g., an SMS code or authentication app) are required to log in.

2. Regularly Update Apps and Themes

Outdated apps and themes are one of the most common vulnerabilities in eCommerce platforms. Developers frequently release updates to patch security flaws, so keeping your store’s apps and themes updated is essential. Regularly check for updates in your Shopify admin panel or set them to update automatically. For more advice on securing Shopify stores, check out WhatArmy’s guide to enhancing security.

3. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Using strong, unique passwords is one of the easiest yet most effective ways to prevent unauthorized access to your store. Ensure that all users, including staff, have complex passwords that are difficult to guess. Avoid using the same password across multiple platforms, as this increases the risk of a security breach. Consider using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords.

4. Limit Access to Admin Accounts

Not everyone on your team needs full access to your Shopify admin account. Limit access to only those employees who require it. Shopify allows you to assign specific roles with limited permissions, reducing the chances of accidental security breaches or malicious intent.

5. Install a Security-Focused App

Shopify’s App Store offers a variety of security-focused apps that help detect and prevent potential security threats. These apps can monitor traffic, block suspicious activities, and alert you to any security issues. Some popular security apps include Locksmith, Vault, and Rewind. You can find more tools by browsing Shopify’s security app collection.

6. Regularly Backup Your Store

While Shopify automatically backs up store data, having your backup is always a good idea. Using a backup solution ensures that if something goes wrong, you can restore your store quickly and efficiently. Many backup apps, such as Rewind, offer automatic backups, providing peace of mind that your data is safe.

7. Monitor Suspicious Activity

Shopify provides tools to monitor login attempts and unusual activity on your store. Keep an eye on your store’s login history to detect any suspicious activity, such as failed login attempts from unknown locations. By actively monitoring, you can quickly take action before any significant damage occurs. For more tips on this, visit OneTimePIM’s blog on protecting customer data.

8. Implement SSL Certificates

Shopify automatically includes SSL certificates with all online stores, ensuring that data transferred between the store and its customers is encrypted. SSL certificates are vital for protecting sensitive information, such as payment details and personal data. Make sure your SSL is active and functional by regularly checking your store's security settings.

9. Educate Your Staff

Security isn’t just a technical issue—it’s a human one too. Make sure that all employees are aware of the potential security threats and how to avoid them. Regularly conduct training on password management, phishing attacks, and the importance of securing personal devices. This helps create a culture of security within your organization.

10. Use a Pre-Sales Chatbot to Enhance Customer Confidence

While enhancing your store's security, don’t forget the customer experience. Secure interactions during the shopping process can improve user trust and satisfaction. Implementing an AI chatbot like VanChat is an excellent way to streamline customer inquiries while ensuring data protection. VanChat not only automates common tasks like product comparisons, order tracking, and returns but also maintains security by keeping sensitive customer information protected.

How VanChat Enhances Security and Customer Satisfaction

VanChat is an AI-powered pre-sales chatbot specifically designed for Shopify. It can accurately answer 97% of customer questions without human intervention, reducing the chances of security breaches caused by manual errors. By learning from your store’s text, images, and videos, VanChat provides precise and timely responses, automating tasks like checking orders and updating carts. This automation ensures that sensitive data is handled securely, reducing the risk of customer information being exposed.

VanChat’s ability to offer personalized product recommendations based on user behavior adds another layer of security and trust. It asks follow-up questions to better understand user preferences, analyzes purchase history, and even sends timely discount reminders—all while keeping user data private. VanChat integrates seamlessly with Shopify and provides a secure, real-time shopping experience that boosts customer confidence. Learn more about VanChat here.


While Shopify is generally considered a secure platform, taking additional steps to protect your store is crucial in today’s digital landscape. By implementing best practices such as two-factor authentication, limiting access, and using tools like VanChat, you can further enhance the security of your store and provide customers with a safe, seamless shopping experience. Always stay vigilant, regularly update your software, and monitor for any suspicious activity to keep your Shopify store secure.

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Emily Levingston

About Emily Levingston

Principal Editor of VanChat