Proactive sales

Introduction to Proactive Sales

Proactive Sales is a pivotal feature of VanChat designed to drive sales. This feature utilizes strategic messaging to increase Average Order Value (AOV) and conversion rates by interacting with customers at key moments in their shopping journey.

Where can Proactive Sales active?

Proactive Sales is the key to attract customers to spend and enhance their purchasing power. There are 6 use cases based on this feature of VanChat by providing timely help or rewards. Here are 6 functional scenarios:

  • Accessing the Homepage: Chatbot engages visitors land on your store's official website.
  • Add to Cart: Chatbot encourages payment or offers discounts when customers add items to their shopping cart.
  • Browsing Collection Page: When customers browse the collection page, Chatbot proactively recommend products.

  • Browsing Product Page: Proactively recommend products or offer help to customers as they browse the product details page.
  • Removed from Cart: When customer is deleting an item from the cart, try to keep the customer from deleting.
  • Abandoned Checkout: When customer abandons the checkout, try to keep the customer from completing the payment.

How to Set Proactive Sales?

We provide three pop-up message types to complete proactive sale for every scenario.

  1. Text Messages

1.1 Conversation Starter

Initiate a conversation and engage customers actively.

  • It takes the form of questions:
    • "What are your best-selling products?"
    • "Where is my order?"
    • "Can you help me find a product?"

Conversation Starters encourages customers to interact with the chatbot, and get quick answers to common questions, making them feel supported.Setting suggestions in different scenarios:

  • Accessing the Homepage: Welcome visitors and offers immediate assistance, creating a positive first impression.
  • Browsing Collection Page: Assists customers in finding specific products within a collection.

1.2 Custom Message (Default)Custom Messages offers a tailored greeting and prompts, making customers feel valued. And it brings a lot flexibility.

  • Except for the bottom two buttons, the Title and Content can be customized.

Setting suggestions in different scenarios:

  • Accessing the Homepage: Provides a friendly greeting and immediate options to explore best sellers or ask questions.
  • Browsing Product Page: Engages customers with helpful prompts while they are considering a product, potentially increasing conversion rates.

  1. Product Recommendation
  • Recommend the Best-Selling Products (Default): Highlights popular products.
  • Recommend the Newest Arrivals: Showcases the latest products to attract interest in new inventory.
  • Custom Recommendation: Offers tailored products based on customer behavior or store conditions.

Product Recommendations can help significantly boost AOV.Setting suggestions in different scenarios:

  • Add to Cart: Prompts customers to add products, increasing the overall order value.
  • Browsing Collection Page: Suggests popular or new items in the collection, helping customers discover more products.
  • Removed from Cart: Recommends alternatives or related products, retaining customer interest.

  1. Coupon

Coupon is designed to incentivize purchases by offering discounts through customizable pop-up messages. This feature is particularly effective in attracting price-sensitive customers and incentivizing purchases.


How to Use the Coupon :


  1. Event Name: Enter the name of the event or promotion (e.g., "Black Friday").
  2. Discount Code: Choose a discount code that you have set up in your Shopify store.
  3. Usage Instructions: Provide detailed instructions on how the coupon can be used (e.g., "This coupon is valid for summer clothing, with all items eligible for a 20% discount.").
  4. Leads Collection(Coupon Only):
  5. Toggle Option: Enable or disable email collection before a customer can claim the coupon.
  6. Description Input: Customize the message to encourage customers to provide their email (e.g., "Get exclusive discounts and early access to new arrivals.").

  1. Setting suggestions in different scenarios:
  • Accessing the Homepage: Immediately capture visitors' attention with a discount offer.
  • Add to Cart: Encourage customers to complete their purchase.
  • Removed from Cart/Abandoned Checkout: Use discounts to re-engage customers who have shown intent to buy.

Message Settings

Want to customize the timing of proactive sales? We thought of you in advance! Go customize the time and duration of each Pop-up in each scenario.
To ensure proactive sales appear at the right moment, set the Triggers:

  • Time Delay Trigger (Default): Message appears after a delay.
  • Scroll Trigger: Message appears after the user scrolls down the page.

To handle the duration of proactive sales , set the Retention Strategy:

  • Auto-Close(Default): Message closes automatically after a delay.
  • Persistent: Message remains until manually closed by the user.

Value and Importance of Proactive Sales

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Timely and relevant messages help convert browsing visitors into paying customers.
  • Increased AOV: By recommending products and offering incentives, Proactive Sales encourages customers to complete more purchases.

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